Below you will find the listing of the presentors/presentations scheduled for the 2023 conference. Many more will follow over the coming months.

Abbiss, ChrisEdith Cowan University‘The influence of cycling mechanics on physiology’WednesdayMitxelena12:00
Aubert, RemiEquipe Groupama-FDJChain wear and elongation in Elite cycling: a case studyWednesdayOteiza16:10
Barnes, CallumUniversity of KentTo shuffle or not to shuffle: Effects On Aerodynamics And PowerThursdayOteiza12:10
Barranco, DavidUniversity of MadridThe use of velocity-based resistance training in cyclist. New perspectives on strength training in cyclistsThursdayMitxelena11:10
Bell, LeoFederation University AustraliaCoconut water; a sports drink alternative?Posters
Bertron, YannUniversity Savoy Mont BlancMMP and Torque - duration profiles from u19 cyclists and WT cyclistsThursdayMitxelena10:10
Brodie, MenachemHuman Vortex TrainingStrength training for cyclists: Why are we missing the mark?ThursdayMitxelena09:00
Buder, JensTechnical University ChemnitzA laboratory treadmill for simulation of road surface induced vibrations in cyclingThursdayOteiza15:30
Burke, LouiseAustralian Catholic UniversityWednesdayOnline presentation
Caen, KevinGhent UniversityFTP in cycling: functional or fictional threshold power?ThursdayOteiza10:20
Chen, Chia-HsiangNat Pingtung University of Science and TechnologyThe effect of symmetry monitoring system on lower limb muscle activation asymmetry in bike field test (POSTER)Posters
Cusson-Fradet, JulesUniversity Quebec Trois RivieresA short self-paced submaximal test to monitor endurance cycling fitnessThursdayMitxelena14:30
Decorte, RobbeGhent UniversityLow cost and personalized highlight generation during cycling racesThursdayOteiza16:10
Dell Orto, GabrielePolitecnico di MilanoPerformances of bicycle tyres - effect of vertical load and inflation pressure (POSTER)Posters
Dixon, WillUniversity of ExeterGood Vibrations? An investigation examining the effects of speed, tyre pressure and wheel choice on whole-body vibrationsThursdayOteiza14:50
Drake, JonahLoughborough UniversityModelling Human Endurance: Power laws vs Critical powerThursdayOteiza09:50
Duc, SebastienUniversity of Reims Champagne ArdenneComparison of mean maximal powers measured in indoor and outdoor tests and recorded during training and competitionPosters
Fernández-Peña, EnekoUniversity of the Basque CountryAcute and chronic effects of training with a fixed gear on pedaling techniqueWednesdayOteiza17:10
Finke, AxelLoughborough UniversityEFRT: A realistic model of human exercise, fatigue and recoveryThursdayOteiza10:00
Giorgi, AndreaGreen Project Bardiani CSF Faizanè Professional Cycling TeamContinuous Glucose Monitoring of Non-Diabetic Professional Cyclists during a Training CampWednesdayOteiza15:00
Graveline, MarcState of the art in aerodynamic measurementThursdayMitxelena15:50
Green, DanielIsrael-Premoer Tech Pro Cycling TeamRider Scouting: How do you identify future potential and compare prospective riders?ThursdayMitxelena13:40
Hoovels van, KevinGhent UniversityWill wearable sweat lactate sensors be the next big thing in cycling?WednesdayOteiza15:00
Huang, Liang-ShengNational Cheng Kung UniversityThe Correlation Between Pedaling Rate and Gross Efficiency of Road Bike CyclingWednesdayOteiza16:50
Iriberri, JonCustom4Us / Team Jumbo VismaNew approach to specific strenght training in cyclingThursdayMitxelena09:30
Lamberts, RobertStellenbosch UniversityWhat does it take to win a Giro Rosa or Giro d’Italia; differences and similarities between a male female and male Grand Tour winner
Lambolais, ThomasUniversity MontpellierReliability and Sensitivity of the Notio Device and Aer-oscale Service to Quantify Cyclists' Drag Coefficients in Outdoor ConditionsThursdayOteiza11:10
Leblond, LucasAnterior saddle conflict in women cycling : a case studyThursdayOteiza14:00
Lemaitre, CedricApeira TechnologiesExperimental assessment of simulated bike setupsThursdayOtieza11:30
Leo, Petermember panel discussion: ThursdayMitxelena11:40
Lewandowski, GregCanadian Sport InsituteRelationship Between Isometric Peak Force and Maximal Sprinting in Elite Track CyclistsWednesdayMitxelena14:40
Lewis, RobVorteq SportsCycling aerodynamics: the trade-off between the tools available and where the next steps in performance are coming fromThursdayMitxelena16:20
Litzenberger, StefanUniversity of Applied Sciences Technikum ViennaLongitudinal bending stiffness of cycling footwear - What is stiff enough? (POSTER)Posters
Lorang, DanBora hansgrohe Cycling teamDevelopment from a coach to Head of Performance (different task, challenges, positive and negative aspects, …)WednesdayMitxelena09:15
Martin Santana, EsperanzaUCI World Cycling CenterTalent identification testing in emerging nationsThursdayOteiza15:50
Martinez-Gonzalez, BorjaUniversity of BolognaA Novel Submaximal Field Test of Fatigue Resistance in Professional CyclistsThursdayMitxelena14:50
Mujika, IñigoUniversity of the Basque CountryThe physiology and the periodization of altitude trainingWednesdayMitxelena15:40
Odden, IngvillInland Norway University of Applied SciencesThe higher fraction of VO2max during interval training, the greater gains in performanceWednesdayMitxelena16:50
Peden, ChrisCombined Athletic Performancemember panel discussion: ThursdayMitxelena11:40
Périard, JulienUniversity of CanberraCycling under heat stress: performance implications and mitigation strategiesWednesdayMitxelena11:00
Pringle, JamieUniversity of Birmingham / Vorteq SportsThe Ergonomics of AerodynamicsThursdayMitxelena16:40
Revuelta, CarlosEuropean University MadridCreatine supplementation during a training camp in young professional cyclists: a randomized controlled trialWednesdayOteiza14:40
Richter, SophieVaude SportGender related differences in pressure distribution, pelvis movement and subjective perception during cyclingThursdayOteiza13:40
Ronnestad, BentInland Norway University of Applied SciencesHeavy strength training increases cycling performance in well-trained cyclistsThursdayMitxelena09:50
San Millán, IñigoTeam UAE EmiratesThe integration of a sports performance program to win the Tour de FranceWednesdayMitxelena09:45
Scholler, VictorEquipe cycliste Professionnelle Groupama-FDJThe Record Work Profile (RWP) to assess the effect of fatigue on the different intensity zonesWednesdayMitxelena17:30
Schwanitz, StefanTechnical University ChemnitzEffects of test duration on pressure distribution, pelvic stability, and subjective perception in laboratory investigations for evaluating bicycle saddles and seat pads.

Seiler, StephenUniversity of AgderVentilation measurement during training: what does breathing tell us that heart rate does not?WednesdayMitxelena11:30
Slembrouck, MaartenGhent UniversityAutomated PTZ framing of track cyclists using timing loopsThursdayOteiza09:00
Smit, AlbertPower loss of the chain drive in tandem bicyclesWednesdayOteiza16:30
Stadnyk, AntonyUniversity of Technology SydneyAthlete Preparation for Consecutive Team Pursuit World Record PerformancesThursdayMitxelena14:10
Stessens, LoesKU LeuvenEstimation of Anaerobic Threshold with dynamic transfer function models based on heart rate and power in cycling (POSTER)Posters
Torres, JesúsUniversity of the Basque CountryEffects of acute hypoxia at rest exposure on time trial performance of national category cyclistsWednesdayMitxelena14:20
Triska, ChristophUniversity ViennaEffect of different rest intensities on time spent near maximal oxygen uptake during a decreasing high-intensity training session – a pilot studyWednesdayMitxelena15:00
Urianstad, TomasInland Norway University of Applied SciencesOptimizing the high-intensity interval session through workload alterations in well-trained female and male cyclistsWednesdayMitxelena16:30
Verwulgen, StijnUniversity of AntwerpDigital twins to enhance cycling performance; Techniques, roadmap and first resultsThursdayOteiza11:50
Voet, JensVU AmsterdamCycling performance after accumulated load: does durability change during a cycling season?WednesdayMitxelena17:10
Wackwitz, ThomasGriffith UniversityPredicting performance in sub-10s f200 m male track sprint cyclistsThursdayOteiza09:20
Wakefield, JohnBORA-hansgrohe pro cycling teammember panel discussion: ThursdayMitxelena11:40
Wale, Jonathan30 minutes isn't half an hourWednesdayMitxelena13:30
Welburn, AlexLoughborough UniversityPhysiological Characteristics Associated with W? and W?bal Used During Intermittent Exercise Task to Failure.ThursdayMitxelena15:10
Zelenkova, IrinaUniversity ZaragozaHow to apply different altitude training methods in coach practice?WednesdayMitxelena16:10