Conference Program

This is a preliminary program under construction and not complete, some titles and times might change and new talks are added coming weeks

Day 1 – Wednesday June 28


9:00am – 9:10am


Welcome & Opening

Itxaso Erroteta – Sport Councillor Bilbao

Gorka Moreno – Vice Rector University of the Basque Country


Itxaso Erroteta – Sport Councillor Bilbao
Gorka Moreno – Vice Rector University of the Basque Country



09:15am – 10:40pm


Session                                                              Chairman: Jon Iriberri

Development from a coach to Head of Performance (different tasks, challenges, positive and negative aspects etc)

Dan Lorang – BORA-hansgrohe Cycling Team

The integration of a sports performance program to win the Tour de France

Iñigo San Millán – UAE Team Emirates

What does it take to win a Giro Rosa or Giro d’Italia; differences and similarities between a male female and male Grand Tour winner

Robert Lamberts – Stellenbosch University


10:40 AM – 11:00 AM


Coffee break                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       



11:00 AM – 12:30 AM


Session 1                                                              Chair: Robert Lamberts


Cycling under heat stress: performance implications and mitigation strategies

Julien Périard – University of Canberra

Ventilation measurement during training: what does breathing tell us that heart rate does not?

Stephen Seiler – University of Agder

‘The influence of cycling mechanics on physiology’

Chris Abbiss – Edith Cowan University


12:30 PM – 13:30 PM


Lunch break



12:30 PM – 13:30 PM


Poster presentations


Overview Posters

Loes Stessens – KU Leuven – Estimation of Anaerobic Threshold with dynamic transfer function models based on heart rate and power in cycling

Stefan Litzenberger – University of Applied Sciences Technikum Vienna – Longitudinal bending stiffness of cycling footwear – What is stiff enough?

Chia-Shang Chen – Nat. Pingtung University of Science and Technology – The effect of symmetry monitoring system on lower limb muscle activation asymmetry in bike field test

Gabriele Dell”Orto – Politecnico di Milano – Performances of bicycle tyres – effect of vertical load and inflation pressure

Leo Bell – Federation University Australia – Coconut water; a sports drink alternative?

Sebastien Duc – University Reims Champagnes Ardennes – Comparison of mean maximal powers measured in indoor and outdoor tests and recorded during training and competition

Beat Mueller – Federal Institute of Sport in Magglingen  – Reliability and Validity of Field-based Methods to Asses Aerodynamic Drag in Comparison to Wind Tunnel Testing



13:30 PM – 15:20 PM


Session 2                                                                 Chair: Chris Abbiss


30 minutes isn't half an hour

Jonathan Wale


Effects of acute hypoxia at rest exposure on time trial performance of national category cyclists

Jesus Torres – University of the Basque Country


Relationship Between Isometric Peak Force and Maximal Sprinting in Elite Track Cyclists

Greg Lewandowski – Canadian Sport Institute


Effect of different rest intensities on time spent near maximal oxygen uptake during a decreasing high-intensity training session – a pilot study

Christopher Triska – University Vienna



14:10 PM – 15:20 PM


Session 3                                                                        Chair: Bent Ronnestad


Creatine supplementation during a training camp in young professional cyclists: a randomized controlled trial

Carlos Revuelta – European University Madrid


Continuous Glucose Monitoring of Non-Diabetic Professional Cyclists during a Training Camp

Andrea Giorgi – Green Project Bardiani CSF Faizanè Professional Cycling Team


Will wearable sweat lactate sensors be the next big thing in cycling?

Kevin van Hoovels – Ghent University


15:20 PM – 15:40 PM


Coffee break



15:40 PM – 17:50 PM


Session 4                                                                          Chair: Jamie Pringle


The physiology and the periodization of altitude training

Iñigo Mujika – University of the Basque Country


How to apply different altitude training methods in coach practice?

Irina Zelenkova – University Zaragoza


Optimizing the high-intensity interval session through workload alterations in well-trained female and male cyclists

Tomas Urianstad – Innland Norway University of Applied Sciences


The higher fraction of VO2max during interval training, the greater gains in performance

Ingvill Odden – Innland Norway University of Applied Sciences


Cycling performance after accumulated load: does durability change during a cycling season?

Jens Voet – VU Amsterdam


The Record Work Profile (RWP) to assess the effect of fatigue on the different intensity zones

Victor Scholler – Equipe cycliste professionnelle Groupama-FDJ



16:0 PM – 17:30 PM


Session 5                                                                    Chair: Xabier Muriel


Chain wear and elongation in Elite cycling: a case study

Remi Aubert – Equipe Groupama FDJ


Power loss of the chain drive in tandem bicycles

Albert Smit – KNWU


The Correlation Between Pedaling Rate and Gross Efficiency of Road Bike Cycling

Liang-Sheng Huang – National Cheng Kung University


Acute and chronic effects of training with a fixed gear on pedaling technique

Eneko Fernandez-Peña – University of the Basque Country



19:30 PM – 22:30 PM

DGI Byen Restaurant

Conference evening


Roof Terrace Bizkaia Aretoa

A Cocktail dinner with fine food and drinks on the Roof Terrace with excellent views.



Day 2 – Thursday June 29


9:00am - 10:50am


Session 6 Chair Peter Leo


Strength training for cyclists: Why are we missing the mark?

Menachem Brodie – Human Vortex Training

Jon Iriberri

Bent Ronnestad – Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences

MMP and Torque - duration profiles from u19 cyclists and WT cyclists

Yann Bertron – University Savoy Mont Blanc


9:00am - 10:50am


Session 7                                                                         Chair: Julien Periard


Automated PTZ framing of track cyclists using timing loops

Maarten Slembrouck – Ghent University

Predicting performance in sub-10s f200 m male track sprint cyclists

Thomas Wackwitz – Griffith University

Modelling Human Endurance: Power laws vs Critical power

Jonah Drake – Loughborough University

EFRT: A realistic model of human exercise, fatigue and recovery

Axel Finke – Loughborough University

FTP in cycling: functional or fictional threshold power?

Kevin Caen – Ghent University


10:50 AM – 11:10 AM


Coffee break



11:10 AM - 12:30 PM


Session 8 Chair: Peter Leo

The use of velocity-based resistance training in cyclist. New perspectives on strength training in cyclists

David Barranco – European University Madrid

Forum How strong is strong enough – torque demands across cycling disciplines

John Wakefield – BORA-hansgrohe Cycling Team
Chris Peden – Combined Athletic Performance
Peter Leo – University of Innsbruck
David Barranco – European University of Madrid
Menchem Brodie – Human Vortex Training 


11:10 AM - 12:30 PM


Session 9 Chair: Marc Graveline

Reliability and Sensitivity of the Notio Device and Aer-oscale Service to Quantify Cyclists' Drag Coefficients in Outdoor Conditions

Thomas Lambolais – University Montpellier

Experimental assessment of simulated bike setups

Matthieu – Apeira Technologies

Digital twins to enhance cycling performance Techniques, roadmap and first results

Stijn Verwulgen – University of Antwerp

To shuffle or not to shuffle: Effects On Aerodynamics And Power

Callum Barnes – University of Kent


12:30 PM – 13:40 PM


Lunch break



13:00 PM – 13:40 PM


Poster presentations


Overview Posters

Loes Stessens – KU Leuven – Estimation of Anaerobic Threshold with dynamic transfer function models based on heart rate and power in cycling

Stefan Litzenberger – University of Applied Sciences Technikum Vienna – Longitudinal bending stiffness of cycling footwear – What is stiff enough?

Chia-Shang Chen – Nat. Pingtung University of Science and Technology – The effect of symmetry monitoring system on lower limb muscle activation asymmetry in bike field test

Gabriele Dell”Orto – Politecnico di Milano – Performances of bicycle tyres – effect of vertical load and inflation pressure

Leo Bell – Federation University Australia – Coconut water; a sports drink alternative?

Sebastien Duc – University Reims Champagnes Ardennes – Comparison of mean maximal powers measured in indoor and outdoor tests and recorded during training and competition

Beat Mueller – Federal Institute of Sport in Magglingen  – Reliability and Validity of Field-based Methods to Asses Aerodynamic Drag in Comparison to Wind Tunnel Testing




13:40 AM - 15:30 PM


Session 10                                                                      Chair: Stephen Seiler


Rider Scouting: How do you identify future potential and compare prospective riders?

Daniel Green – Israel Premier Tech

Athlete Preparation for Consecutive Team Pursuit World Record Performances

Antony Stadnyk – University of Technology Sydney

A short self-paced submaximal test to monitor endurance cycling fitness

Jules Cusson Fradet – University Quebec Trois Rivieres

A Novel Submaximal Field Test of Fatigue Resistance in Professional Cyclists

Borja Martinez-Gonzalez – University of Bologna

Physiological Characteristics Associated with W' and W'bal Used During Intermittent Exercise Task to Failure.

Alex Welburn – Loughborough University


13:40 AM - 15:30 PM


Session 11                                                                        Chair: Javier Sola


Gender related differences in pressure distribution, pelvis movement and subjective perception during cycling

Sophie Richter – Vaude Sport

Anterior saddle conflict in women cycling : a case study

Lucas Leblond

Effects of test duration on pressure distribution, pelvic stability, and subjective perception in laboratory investigations for evaluating bicycle saddles and seat pads.

Stefan Schwanitz – Technical University Chemnitz

Good Vibrations? An investigation examining the effects of speed, tyre pressure and wheel choice on whole-body vibrations

Will Dixon – University of Exeter

A laboratory treadmill for simulation of road surface induced vibrations in cycling

Jens Buder – Technical University Chemnitz


15:30 PM – 15:50 PM


Coffee break



15:50 AM - 17:40 PM


Session 12                                                                          Chair:


State of the art in aerodynamic measurement : challenges and opportunities

Marc Graveline –

Cycling aerodynamics: the trade-off between the tools available and where the next steps in performance are coming from

Rob Lewis – Vorteq Sports

The Ergonomics of Aerodynamics

Jamie Pringle – University of Birmingham / Vorteq Sports


15:50 AM - 16:30 PM


Session 13                                                                          Chair:


Esperanza Martin Santana – UCI World Cycling Center

Low cost and personalized highlight generation during cycling races

Robbe Decorte – Ghent University



Conference venue and Guggenheim Museum

The team presentation of the Tour de France will consist of a small parcours from the Opera Building to the Guggenheim Museum.

The riders will pass in front of the conference venue!

Tour de France                                                                       Team presentation


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