Author Information
For authors who submitted via the regular call for papers
Your abstract
- As soon as review is finished you will receive a message of acceptance, rejection or a request to submit revisions.
- After acceptance, you will be listed under scheduled presentation at the website.
- When the sessions are composed, day, time and location will be added to the list. (please note that sometimes times do change)
- Make sure you register for the conference, as this is seen as confirmation of your presence.
- On June 1st we will take the abstracts from the database and make them available to the participants. Please make sure your document is in the layout of the journal. (Find a paper template example under following link: JSC Template.dotx – Google Drive)
- After the conference, we will send the abstracts to the Journal of Science & Cycling for publication in the book of abstracts. After the conference, you have 1 month to make adjustments in the document if you wish so. If you indicated that the material cannot be published, we will leave it out of the book of abstracts.
Your presentation
- The timeslot for oral presentations is 20 minutes (including questions)
- Bring your presentation on a usb-stick or similar device. You cannot use your own computer for presenting.
- You can upload your presentation in the presentation room before the start of the sessions, during coffee breaks and during lunch break. Please do so in time in order to check if the presentation works.
- After the conference, we will ask your permission to make the presentation available to the participants (in pdf format)
Poster presentation
- Posters can be visited at all times, but most people will do at the end of lunch time (13.00-13.30), so make sure you are present around your poster.
- Please place your poster at the designated place before the start of the conference. Location will be indicated in the program and your poster title will be indicated on the poster panel.
- These size of the poster panel: Height 190 cm, wide 95 cm.
- After the conference, we will ask your permission to make a digital version of the poster available to the participants. (If you have one)