During the 2-day conference a full program will be presented.

Find here the first version of the program, please note that we will still add some presentations and that small changes might be made in the program: Preliminary Program 1.5 (20 April 2019)

Confirmed talks

Sciacchitano, AndreaDelft University of TechnologyState-of-the-art and technology advances for cycling aerodynamics
Foster, CarlUniversity of Wisconsin-La CrosseThe Session RPE method as a device for monitoring training (working title)
Sanders, DajoTeam Dimension DataMonitoring the training process of professional cyclists
Boone, janGhent UniversityW' in the Critical Power model: its role in performance prediction
Swart, JeroenUAE Team EmiratesPractical implementations of a multi-tiered load monitoring system in World Tour Cycling
Kraus, LottegebioMized SnM GmbHAnalysing Women Data - Gender Specifics in Product Development?
van Hooff, martijnMaxima Medical Center / SMC SportMáxBlood flow limitations in the iliac arteries in cyclists.
Impact on performance measured by new diagnostic techniques during exercise
Hespel, PeterKU LeuvenOral ketone ester intake to improve performance in cycling
Lamberts, RobertStellenbosch University & University of Cape TownMonitoring performance, fatigue and overreaching in elite cyclists and triathletes – a multi-variate approach
Cheung, StephenBrock UniversityThe role of the mind during performance in the heat
van Erp, TeunTeam SunwebLoad, Intensity and Performance Characteristics in the Fight for the Victory in Multiple Grand Tours
van Erp, TeunTeam SunwebLoad and intensity Characteristics in Professional Cyclists: Differences between Male and Female
Balk, YannickUniversity AmsterdamThe role of Mental recovery (working title)
Adam, FlorianDelft University of TechnologyExperimental Characterization of a Cyclist's Wake
Anastoploulos, VasilisSEG RacingThe development pathway of a World class sprinter
Bigham, Dan/Vroemen, Guido Notio Technologies / Ribble Pro CyclingFind more speed for real: Aerotesting in the field where it counts
Bouten, JanneGhent UniversityAcute breath-holding does not improve 3km cycling time trial performance
Chia-Hsiang, ChenNational Pingtung University of Science and TechnologyEffect of different seat position on lower limb kinematics,
kinetic and electromyography during cycling
Campos-Ferraz, PatriciaUniversity Sao PauloA year in the life of a Brazilian professional female road cycling team – Part II: Nutritional and clinical outcomes
Corentin LeboeufUniversity Franch ComtéA new method to control the roughness of different time trial garments. A preliminary study
Dausin, ChristopheKU LeuvenValidation of Lactate Minimum Power testing in cyclists
Dobiasch, MartinUniversity ViennaDo athletes know which feedback helps them most?
Duc, SebastienUniversity of ReimsValidity and reliability of the CycleOps Hammer direct drive trainer during sprint tests when compared with an SRM powermeter – a preliminary study
Farias de Oliveira, LuanaUniversity of Sao PauloRelationship between skeletal muscle carnosine content and cycling sprint performance
Freedman, HappyHospital for Special SurgeryBike Fit Unplugged: Working towards the next level of Bike Fit
Gallet, ValentinKronos AnalyticsEstimating and predicting athlete performance using Machine Learning
Gijssel, MaartenKinetic AnalysesSmart Textiles and Motion Data (working title)
Giorgi, AndreaAndroni Giocattoli – Sidermec Professional Cycling TeamRelationship between daily Bioimpendance patterns and training load of professional cyclists during training and racing.
Heemskerk, TimTeam Jumbo VismaPerformance Analyses for training/coaching
Iwata, SoyaWaseda UniversityThe effect of locally braking crank rotation during pedaling on the pedaling force and activation of lower limb muscles.
Kitawaki, TomokiKansai Medical UniversityThe synergy of EMG waveform during bicycle pedaling is related to elemental force vector waveform
Leo, PeterUniversity InnsbruckPower profiling in elite U23 riders during a competitive season
Martinez-Gonzalez, BorjaUniversity of KentThe sleep of professional cyclists during a 5-day UCI Europe Tour road cycling race
Merkes, PaulEdith Cowan UniversityThe combination of visual and external focused instructions, and positive feedback did not enhance training-induced improvements in forward standing sprint performance.
Millour, GeoffreyUniversity of ReimsRelationship between preferred saddle height and pedalling kinematics in professional cyclists
O'Grady, CiaranTeam Dimension DataThe use of subjective monitoring in professional cyclists in preparation for competition influence on finishing position
Paton, CarlEastern Institute of TechnologyThe acute effects of lower limb blood flow restriction on physiology and performance of competitive cyclists
Pelgrim, KoenDeceuninck Quick Step Cycling TeamPreparing the Team Time Trial (working title)
Perrotin, NoéUniversity of ReimsEvaluation of the effectiveness of an anti-vibration MTB handlebar compared to a traditional MTB handlebar
Saunders, BryanUniversity of Sao PauloA year in the life of a Brazilian professional female road cycling team – Part I: Performance measures
Schepens, CharlotteGhent UniversityDissection of the Arteria iliaca externa, secondary to endofibrosis in a cyclist
Spoelstra, AlexanderDelft University of TechnologyAccuracy assessment of the Ring of Fire system for on-site aerodynamic drag measurements
Terra, WouterDelft University of TechnologyOn the Cyclist's Drag Crisis
Timmerman, WouterUniversity of KentReliability of acute training responses elicited by exhaustive work intervals prescribed with the delta concept
Verreydt, JorisWolf PerformanceCan we adjust the bike position to have a positive effect on the uphill cycling performance?
Vroemen, Guido,
Van Bon, Marco
SMA Midden NederlandThe Power Speed Profile; A performance model for road racing

Scheduled posters:

Martins, GabrielUniversidad Camilo Jose CelaInfographic. Tramadol: should it be banned in athletes while competing, particularly in road cycling?
Martins, GabrielUniversidad Camilo Jose CelaInfographic: The road to the ergogenic effect of caffeine on exercise performance
Fukuda, MasahiroHamsterspinEasy to use accurate measuring system for cycling pedaling motion using a small LED and a smartphone.
Michel, FrankVaudeEngineering of a backpack ventilation technology for cycling using CFD analysis
Michel, FrankVaudeInfluence of an engineered backpack ventilation technology on thermal comfort during cycling – a pilot study
Perim, PedroUniversity Sao PaoloSport supplement use in Brazilian cyclists: Where is the information coming from?
Schmid, LucasSwiss CyclingHeat acclimation: practical and efficient in the laboratory
Schneider, NilsGerman Sports UniversityBackpack impact protection in cycling – Comparison of a conventional foam-based vs. an air-based protection system
Tsai, Wei-chiKaohsiung Armed Forces General Hospital
The effect of hub design on lower limb muscle activation while riding on different terrain (POSTER)


Before and after the conference masterclasses will be scheduled.


Several companies will display products and will give demo’s. More information to follow.

Dan Bigham


Mehdi Kordi


Francois Brigadeau


Remy Hurdiel


Hedwig Neels


Patrick McKeown


Christine Moroni


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