Lecturer in Human Physiology / Researcher in Sport Science
University of Groningen, UMCG / Hanze University of Applied Sciences
Biomedical Sciences of Cells & Systems / School of Sport Studies

Ruby Otter is Lecturer in Human Physiology at the medical faculty of the University of Groningen. She is interested in physiology of endurance athletes and she is leading researcher in training and performance of endurance athletes at the School of Sport Studies of the Hanze University of Applied Sciences, School of Sport Studies.

Her research is focused on monitoring training load and performance of talented cyclists, ice speed skaters, rowers, runners and triathletes. She believes that not only scientific information can benefit coaches in their daily training practice but also the practical application is of great importance. Therefore, Ruby initiated her current research project in which she studies the intended training load by the coach, the actual training load of the athlete and the influence on performance and overtraining.

During her PhD (2011-2016), Ruby has advised Dutch top coaches on how to implement scientific knowledge in training practice as an employee of “Topsport Topics”. Before Ruby has started her PhD in 2011, she did research in thermal physiology and sports apparel at the Adidas Innovation Team in Germany. She started her career as a physical education teacher after finishing the master “Human Movement Sciences” (2009) and the bachelor “Physical Education” (2007) in Amsterdam.






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