Conference Program

This is a preliminary program under construction and not complete, some titles and times might change and new talks are added coming weeks

Day 1 – Tuesday June 28


9:00am – 9:10am

Bio 1

Welcome & Opening


Anton van Gerwen – Event Organiser – Welcome and safety instructions



09:15am – 10:30pm

Bio 1

Forum / session                                                              Chairman: Robert Lamberts

Gearing up to the World Tour level - More than 'just' power output

Marije Elferink-Gemser – Groningen University

Forum on Talent Development : Marije Elferink-Gemser, Jacques Landry, John Wakefield

Forum participants

Marije Elferink – Associate Professor Sports & Talent – Groningen University

John Wakefield –  Trainer/Coach – Team UAE Emirates

Jacques Landry –  Head Coach Talent and Training – UCI World Cycling Center

When to Hop and When to Jump: Steps Taken in the Development Pathway

Stephen Barrett – AG2R Citroen Pro Cycling Team


10:30 AM – 10:50 AM


Coffee break                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       



10:50 AM – 12:20 AM

Bio 1

Session 1                                                              Chairman: Robert Stanley


Return from severe injury. How long does it take to return to play at the highest level. Unique physiological insights from twins in a World Tour Team

Jeroen Swart – UAE Team Emirates

Profiling riders and races to inform training practice

Dajo Sanders – Team DSM

The invisible aspect

Anders Piper – 


12:20 PM – 13:20 PM

Lounge - Restaurant

Lunch break



12:20 PM – 13:20 PM


Poster presentations


Overview Posters

Magnus Hyttel – Age-related decline in aerobic potential in trained to well-trained cyclists

Eli Gabriel Avina-Bravo – Sports & Health applications of a versatile electronic
architecture for e-bikes: Preliminary study

Beat Mueller – From Rio to Tokyo: The evolution of tyre testing designs for the Swiss national mountain bike team.







13:20 PM – 15:20 PM

Bio 1

Session 2                                                                 Chair: Marije Elferink Gemser


Preparing for the TDF – go high or go hot ?

Lars Nybo – University of Copenhagen

Carsten Lundby – Innland Norway University of Applied Sciences


W’ recovery during intermittent exercise: current limitations and future challenges of predictive models

Kevin Caen – Ghent University

Differences in physiological variables of U23 cyclists between normoxia and hypoxia

Gerrit Glomser – Gairrit


14:20 PM – 15:20 PM


Session 4                                                                        Chairman: Andy Brooke


Freely chosen cadence is increased across repeated bouts of submaximal ergometer cycling

Ernst Hansen – Aalborg University

Field-based testing to determine power-cadence and torque-cadence profiles in professional road cyclists

Kurt Bergin-Taylor – Team DSM

Effect of pedaling cadence on physiological responses and neuromuscular fatigue during a single interval-training session

Sebastien Duc – University Reims Champagne Ardennes


15:20 PM – 15:40 PM


Coffee break



15:40 PM – 17:30 PM

Bio 1

Session 3                                                                          Chairman: Peter Leo


Information Flow to support Decisions and Development in Professional Cycling

Stephen Seiler – University of Agder


Real-time energy monitoring of track cyclists

Jelle de Bock – Ghent University

Day-to-day fitness assessment in cycling, based on a power/heart rate model

Arno Knobbe – Leiden University


16:40 PM – 17:20 PM


Session                                                                         Chairman:


The Knowledge and Attitudes of UCI Competitive Cyclists towards Sports Related Concussion

Thomas Fallon – Queen Margaret University

Perceptions of cycling helmet safety in relation to sports-related concussion mitigation amongst competitive cyclists

Howard Hurst – University of Central Lancashire


19:30 PM – 22:30 PM

DGI Byen Restaurant

Conference evening


Location DGI Byen Restaurant



Day 2 – Wednesday June 29


9:00am - 10:50am

Bio 1

Session 5 Chairman Felix Imbery


Breathing problems in cyclists: getting it right, first time

James Hull – Royal Brompton Hospital

Bypass of Respiratory Complex I and its relation to different lactate landmarks – a pilot study

Christoph Triska – Vienna University

Does speed influence time to exhaustion at maximal aerobic power in treadmill cycling?

Nina Zenger – Swiss Federal Institute of Sport

Predicting power outputs in a fatigued state: A pilot study

james Spragg – University of Capetown

The Compound Score in elite road cycling

Peter Leo – University of Innsbruck


9:30am - 10:50am


Session 6                                                                         Chairman Wendy Schroder


The ergonomics of aerodynamics: solving the positional optimisation puzzle for both biomechanical function and aerodynamic performance (online)

jamie Pringle – Vorteq Sports / University of Birmingham

How low can you go – exploring the balance between aerodynamic advantages and restrictions related to reducing the torso-hip angle

Claes Hoegh Cubel – University of Copenhagen

Aerodynamic Drag Between Two Cyclists: Effect of Wheel Rotation

Sebastien Ricciardi – Alten/LAAS

Position for the Sprint: A performance analysis of intermediate sprints in the Men’s Elite Omnium Points Race

Robert Stanley – USA Cycling


10:30 AM – 10:50 AM


Coffee break



10:50 AM - 12:30 PM

Bio 1

Presentation and discussion forum Chairman: Stephen Seiler

Polarised or pyramidal approach to training prescription: What is the evidence and what do we see in practice?

Presentation: Jeroen Swart – UAE Team Emirates

Peter Leo
Jeroen Swart – UAE Emirates Team / Science to Sport
Dajo Sanders – Team DSM


12:30 PM – 13:40 PM

Lounge Restaurant

Lunch break



13:00 PM – 13:40 PM


Poster presentations


Overview Posters

Magnus Hyttel – Age-related decline in aerobic potential in trained to well-trained cyclists

Eli Gabriel Avina-Bravo – Sports & Health applications of a versatile electronic
architecture for e-bikes: Preliminary study

Beat Mueller – From Rio to Tokyo: The evolution of tyre testing designs for the Swiss national mountain bike team.





13:40 AM - 15:30 PM

Bio 1

Session 9                                                                      Chairman: 


Bike fit: applying the research to the clinic

Wendy Holliday

Biomechanical follow up in elite road cycling

Jon Irriberri – Custom4us / Team Jumbo Visma

Are we closer to understanding the role of the ankle in pedaling?

Andy Brooke – Cyclogic / IBFI

Torque behaviour during cycling sprints from different pedalling frequencies

Felix Imbery – Schoberer Rad Meßtechnik – SRM 

Understanding frictions: Methodological guidelines for measuring transmission efficiency

Remi Aubert – University Bourgogne Franche Comté / Equipe Cycliste Groupama FDJ


14:10 AM - 15:30 PM


Session 10                                                                        Chairman: Christoph Triska


Adolescence to Adulthood, Managing The Key Transitions in Developing Cyclist’s Sporting Careers: The Athlete’s Perspective

Jamie Blanchfield – Waterford Institute of Technology

Development of cycling performance and performance-related measures in female and male national-level cyclists: From junior to senior level

Nicki Almquist – University of Copenhagen

Maximal aerobic power-cadence relationship estimation in national level under nineteen cyclists from in-situ data

Yann Bertron – University of Savoy – Mont Blanc

Estimation of the drag force: a neuronal approach

Cedric Lemaitre – Apeira Technologies


15:30 PM – 15:50 PM


Coffee break



15:50 AM - 17:00 PM

Bio 1

Session 11                                                                          Chairman: 


Glycolytic Power in Cycling - a brief history of VLamax

Sebastian Weber – Inscyd

Measuring sleep, recovery and mental well-being in elite female cyclists; can it be done based on a questionnaire ?!?

Robert Lamberts – Stellenbosch University



Tivoli Gardens and surrounding area

The team presentation of the Tour de France will consist of a small parcours from Island Brygge to Tivoli Gardens.

Tivoli Gardens is about 600 meters from the conference venue. Island Brygge about 1 kilometer.

Tour de France                                                                       Team presentation


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