Information for authors

After submitting an abstract we will review the material and will inform you if the abstract is accepted, rejected or if revisions are needed. You can also find this information when you login to the Journal of Science & Cycling.
After acceptance, we will list the abstract under scheduled presentations. Based on this list we will build the sessions for the conference.


The abstract will be made available to the participants of the conference before the start of the event. Authors can adjust their abstract and  submit the final version of the document until June 5, 2024.
Please make sure the abstract is submitted in the correct format, Find a paper template example under following link: JSC Template.dotx – Google Drive
After the event the abstracts will be published in the book of abstracts on the website of the Journal of Science & Cycling. Please inform us if you don’t want to publish the abstract in the journal.

Oral Presentation
If your abstract is accepted for an oral presentation you will get a time slot of 20 min, including possible questions.
You can upload your presentation on the computer in the presentation room before the start of the sessions and during the breaks. Assistance will be available. Bring your presentation on a USB.

Poster presentation
If your abstract is accepted for a poster presentation you can install the poster before the start of the first session. Participants can visit the posters during all the breaks and during a dedicated time just after lunch.
The size of the poster panel: Height 2 meters, Width 1.5 meter


Authors with accepted abstracts have to register for the conference. We consider your registration as confirmation of presence.


For questions concerning abstracts/presentations please send a mail to:



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