Head of the Sport Physiology and Performance Laboratory within the department of Elite Sport Support at The Swedish Sports Confederation
Daniele currently serves as the head of the Sport Physiology and Performance Laboratory within the department of Elite Sport Support at The Swedish Sports Confederation. Additionally, he holds affiliations as a researcher at The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences (GIH) and Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm.
After obtaining a bachelor’s degree from the University of Rome “Foro Italico” and a Master’s degree in Sport Science from Tor Vergata University of Rome, Daniele relocated to Stockholm. Initially, he worked as a Strength and Conditioning coach in football, subsequently transitioning to a role as a physiologist within the Swedish Elite sport system. In this role, he conducted physiological and biomechanical tests, provided Strength and Conditioning support, and educated Swedish national coaches and athletes. Few years later, he earned a PhD in Exercise Physiology from The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences (GIH), focusing on various aspects of skeletal muscle mitochondrial function. Specifically, Daniele has delved into the roles of mitochondrial excess capacity and mitochondrial oxygen affinity in relation to cycling performance, oxygen uptake, and adaptation to exercise training. Passionate about innovation and entrepreneurship, he has also worked in sport and health innovation by supporting researchers and students at The Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences.
In recent years, Daniele’s research has focused on examining the physiological and performance effects of a novel approach to induce hypoxic stimuli in well-trained and elite cyclists.