Science & Cycling 2025, 2-3 July 2025, Lille, France

After several years in cities around Europe Science & Cycling is coming back to France, Lille is the city. 2025 is also the year of the 10th edition celebaration.

During the conference experts from the competitive cycling world and scientists will exchange the latest research and experiences. Alongside the conference an experience square will be set up in which companies and institutes can give demonstrations of their products and technologies.

The participants will consist of researchers, doctors, nutrition experts, sports directors, cycling organisations, trainers and cyclists/triathletes. The conference aims to get also contributions from other sport disciplines all with the objective of learning and sharing experience.

The Steering Committee will invite keynote speakers to share their views with the audience and experts from all over the world are invited to present their work in the conference.


Endorsing organisations

Steering Committee

David Barranco
Fred Grappe
Jon Iriberri
Robert Lamberts
Peter Leo
Bent Ronnestad
Stephen Seiler


Before and after the conference masterclasses will be scheduled.


Several companies will display products and will give demo’s. More information to follow.

Featured Talks & Speakers

The committee will invite a number of internatinal experts to share their knowledge with the audience. The names will be announced over the coming months..

Dan Bigham


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