Below you will find the listing of the presentors/presentations scheduled for the 2025 conference. Many more will follow over the coming months.

Barnes, CallumUniversity of KentApplications of Language Modelling for a cycling Aerodynamics' coach
Bigham, DanRed Bull hansgrohe Pro Cycling Team
Brigadeau, FrancoisUniversity Hospital Lille
Burt, PhilBikeFit 2.0: Lessons learnt and what the future holds!
Chen, Chia-HsiangNational Pingtung UniversityEffects of Different Inclines on Lower Limb Muscle Activation During Cycling
Edwards, TobyAustralian CyclingMuscle Torques: Strength Training Practices for Maximum Power
Ferguson, RichardLoughborough UniversityBlood-flow-restricted exercise: Strategies for enhancing muscle adaptation and performance in cycling
Giorgi, AndreaVF Group-Bardiani CSF-Faizanè Professional Cycling TeamThe Influence of Prior Accumulated Work on the Torque-Cadence Relationship in Junior Cyclists
Hurdiel, RemyUniversity of Littoral Opale CoastOptimizing sleep management to minimize risk and maximize mental and physical performance
Jan Boone, Kevin Caen, Kobe VermeireGhent UniversityFrom lab to road and back: closing the loop between science and practice
Kjaer, SimonAarhus University HospitalExogenous ketosis increases D-ß-hydroxybutyrate concentrations in human cerebrospinal fluid
Klerk de, David / Wakefield, JohnRed Bull hansgrohe Pro Cycling TeamRider development (Working title)
Kordi, MehdiJust warm up for a warm-up?
Kordi, MehdiTrack aerodynamics (working title)
Leo, PeterUnderstanding the Torque-Cadence Relationship in Cycling Performance
Martinez-Gonzalez, BorjaUniversity of KentA 5-minute Time Trial to Assess Durability in Professional Cyclists: A Field Study.
McKeown, PatrickThe Oxygen AdvantageElevating physical performance with breathwork
Michel, FrankVaude SportsInfluence of seating posture and gender on pelvic movement and saddle pressure during cyclingPoster area
Michel, FrankVaude SportsPelvic motion and saddle pressure of female and male cyclists during a cycling specific graded exercise test
Moroni, ChristineUniversity LilleCognitive-behavioral sequelae and return to high-intensity sports practice after concussion
Neels, HedwigUniversity AntwerpSaddle Soreness and other genitoperineal complaints in cyclists: Prevention and treatment are key to improve performance!
Norte, BernardoLiverpool John Moores UniversityEffect of Carbohydrate Ingestion on the Power-Duration relatioship following prolonged endurance exercise in the moderate exercise intensity domain
Roete, AnnemiekUniversity Medical Center GroningenClustering professional road cycling races into distinctive race profiles
Sellier, ManuelAeroscaleA Novel Energy Imbalance Approach Applied to Rolling Resistance Assessment in Cycling
Sparks, AndyMaurtenSodium Bicarbonate Ingestion for Performance Enhancement in Cycling: From Original Concept to Endurance Ergogenic
Timmerman, WouterEdith Cowan UniversityTraining modification decision-making and the role of athlete monitoring in elite endurance sports coaching: An instrumental case study of a world-class cycling coach and a world-class development rowing coach
Van Dyck, MatthewGhent UniversityOptimizing Cycling Time Trial Performance in Zwift: Validation of the PACE Model for Pacing Strategy
Verstockt, StevenGhent UniversitySPORSA - innovative technology for safer cycling
Vleeshouwers, ThomasGhent UniversityAutomated Data and Video Processing in Track Cycling
Wemel, ManuSoudal Quick-Step / SquadtThe Overlooked Knee Injury in Cycling: Prepatellar Friction Syndrome Explained